
Hump day huddle. {lake edition}

Sitting on the lake right now! Husband and I maxed out our limit of fish in less than an hour. Loving being in our boat on the water, relaxing! Pictures below!

Routine success: i have completed my goal for the week as far as being successful with my routine before work. Today is the exception since I work at 6 tonight, but I have had plenty of time to practice yoga, eat a delicious breakfast, blog or clean and get ready for work on time without rushing! It's a wonderful thing!

Wanna be yogi: so I have started practicing yoga again and I love it and can't believe I stopped! I feel like it has changed my attitude and stress level already!

Hawaii or bust: it's official. Husband and I will be in Honolulu the last week of October! I am so excited for a real vacation and a honeymoon 2 years late! Recommend anything spectacular I must do while I'm there? Open for suggestions! Please and thank you!

Now back to my relaxing boat ride...
Happy hump day, beautiful!!

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